Feasibility Study to
Eradicate Aquatic Invasive/Nuisance Species in
Steering Committee Start-up
Meeting for Upper and
September 16, 2009
6:30 – 8:30 PM
Present: Name Affiliation E-mail_________________________
Chic Voorhis NP&V cvoorhis@nelson.vpope.com
Sara DaSilva NP&V sdasilva@nelsonpope.com
Anthony Graves Town of
George Costa Trout Unlimited – Art Flick
Chapter gclv2fish@msn.com
Marty VanLith Brookhaven Open Space Council VanLith@optonline.net
Connie Kepert Brookhaven Town Council Ckepert@brookhaven.org
Robert Kessler Coalition to Save the Yaphank
Lakes kesslerstone@optonline.net
Audrey Kessler
Camilo Salazar SC DEE camilo.salazar@suffolkcountyny.gov
Kathy Schwager The Nature Conservancy kschwager@tnc.org
Steven Trusnovec
Chart Guthrie NYSDEC catuthri@gw.dec.state.ny.us
Nancy Panarese
Peggy Judd Coalition to Save the
Yaphank Lakes csyl@savetheyaphanklakes.org
Bob Judd Coalition to Save the
Yaphank Lakes rwjudd@hotmail.com
Gail Underwood Coalition to Save the Yaphank
Lakes csyl@savetheyaphanklakes.org
Sharon Wiesmann Yaphank /Upper Lake Resident sharonwiesmann@verizon.net
Joseph Capozzeli Yaphank /Upper
Samantha Homan
Vigliotta NYS Assemblyman Marc Alessi homans@assembly.state.ny.us
Elizabeth Kennedy Assembly Woman Eddington Kennede@assembly.state.ny.us
John Stehele
Fran Hurley Yaphank Tax & Civic
Assoc. fanayabou@aol.com
Timothy Rothang Legislator Browning Timothy.rothang@suffolkcountyny.gov
Adrienne Esposito Citizens Campaign for the
Environment aesposito@citizenscampaign.org
Tara Bono Citizens Campaign for the
Environment tbono@citizenscampaign.org
purpose of this meeting is to discuss with the steering committee for the
– Camilo Salazar (SCDEE)
- welcome and introduction of
consultant to the group.
Presentation of Timeline
and Approach– Chic
Voorhis and Sara da Silva, NP&V
The presentation covered the following topics:
Existing data
sources to be compiled and reviewed by NP&V/SoMAS for inclusion in
draft/final report:
a. 2007
depth/sediment data from A. Graves (Town);
b. Coalition’s
available wq data (collected in conjunction with Tim Green of Brookhaven
National Lab, Town, and Boy Scout Troop 433);
c. Suffolk County
DHS’s Oct/Dec’08 wq data at Upper Lake Spillway
d. 2005-2006
Carmans River wq report from SUNY grad student (George Costa will provide
contact info)
Proposed data
from Consultant Team:
SoMAS to do comprehensive water quality sampling
- max of 4 sampling events per year at 3 stations per lake; one cool weather
sampling and 3 warm weather samplings) to enable assessment of fluxes in water
chemistry and biological components (including potential cyanotoxins) between
warm and cold weather. Parameters to be
tested include DO, temperature (surface & bottom), pH, turbidity, water
clarity, dissolved nutrients, bottom sediment substrate and organic content,
and parameters for detection of potential cyanotoxins (e.g. chlorophyll, phycocyanin,
phytoplankton assemblage, cyanotoxin extraction). Will be started this September.
Existing data
sources to be compiled and reviewed by NP&V/BLaing for inclusion in draft/final
a. 2007
depth/sediment data from A. Graves (Town);
b. 2008
stormdrains into lakes (Coalition)
c. 2007 Aquatic
Invasive Species Maps (Town)
d. 2006 Aquatic
Plant Inventories (DEC)
e. Sensitive
Species & Habitats in vicinity (NY Natural Heritage Program; USFWS)
2008 bathymetry data (PWG Engineering)
2007 Dam Inspection Report (PWG Engineering)
Proposed data
from Consultant Team:
BLaing/NPV to conduct shoreline and cross-lake
surveys and NPV to compile all available info into GIS database to produce
following mapped information
Updated macrophyte map (including Phragmites along shoreline)/living
Phragmites not previously
considered a target species, but all agree would be useful to incorporate for
consideration in management options/impacts
visible pollutant sources map (Coalition’s data
amended if necessary)
Bulkheads/hardened shorelines/dams/spillway
Fill in data gaps in bathymetry information.
Existing data
sources to be compiled and reviewed by NP&V/BLaing/Orson for inclusion in
draft/final report:
a. Tax maps for
ownership info
b. Legal
c. Review existing
management plans for species of interest (Cabomba, Myriophylum, Phragmites)
Harvester recently used on Lily Lake – tested last
fall, but primarily April through September (not yet used on Willow Lake)…
Anthony Graves gave presentation on this at end of power point and extensive
discussion about success & funding issues ensued (see below).
d. Literature
review of available plans and nuisance plant alternatives
Chart Guthrie suggested reading “Diet for a
a. Currently,
mechanical harvesting has been implemented in
b. Team will build
on existing information, work with stakeholders, equally assess all options and
work towards consensus.
c. NPV/BLaing/Gobler
will use matrices to assess alternatives and analyze:
Direct/indirect impacts
Maintenance effort/cot of short & long-term
Regulatory requirements/consideration
Community support
a. Team will
coordinate with County, Town, Carmans River Task Force, Local Councilperson,
NYSDEC, Coalition & other stakeholders (e.g. residents).
b. Agreed that
c. Public
education and collaboration will be used to understand history of the system
(e.g. historical modification), identify modes of introduction, control
inoculants, instill responsibility
d. Meeting
Steering Committee (for each lake)
a) 1 start-up (September
2009 – this meeting)
b) 1 interim (January
– March 2010)
c) 1 Progress
(single meeting at end of Tasks 1&2) (January – April 2010)
d) 1 wrap-up (January
– February 2011)
Public Meetings (for each lake) – County to
publicize two weeks in advance
1 initial to highlight existing conditions; discuss
options (April – May 2010)
1 interim to build consensus toward preferred
alternative (July – August 2010)
1 additional final (if necessary, to assist in
selecting alternative) (Nov. – Dec. 2010)
Existing data
sources to be compiled and reviewed by NP&V/N&P/BLaing/SoMAS/Orson:
a. SSER Barrier
Inventory/Prioritization Project (NP&V, 2007)
b. Prior
Engineering/DPW Rehabilitation Reports (e.g.
2007 Dam Inspection Report for
c. Previous
options (designed by C. Orvis at USFWS) considered & funded, but never
Chart Guthrie stated that bond act grants in place
to fund fish passage implementation… just need contracts in place.
Proposed methodology/data:
a) Fresh look with public meetings to gather input & build consensus
b) Partner with
USFWS through formal DEC request (NPV will coordinate with Chart Guthrie).
USFWS will revise previous preferred alternative if warranted
c) Additional
conceptual alternatives to be designed/provided by N&P engineers/Dr. Orson
a. Public summary
to be provided with final annual report and published on website
a. Will be up and
running shortly
Comments/Questions –
Regarding Timeline & SEQRA (State Environmental
Quality Review Act)
Invasives & Existing Management Plans
1. B.Laing’s
invasive restoration project on
2. Evaluation of
harvester was suggested before continuing with its use in Lower Lily or using
it in
Regarding Water
Quality Data
1. Audrey Kessler -
Coalition’s wq data is collected every two weeks. Tim Green at Brookhaven National Lab (BNL)
currently doing the testing w/the Coalition.
Another WWTP company operator does once per month testing of nearby STPs
and surface water (nitrogen, phophorus and dissolved oxygen?), and then reviews
the Coalition’s data to make sure everyone is finding the same conditions.
Regarding Community
1. Esposito - any
other community involvement would occur other than meetings? Yes, website will be up shortly to keep the
community informed and allow public input.
2. Guthrie (DEC),
Esposito (Carmans River Task Force) and Peggy Judd (CSYL) - would like to be notified
and present for the
Anthony Graves Provided an Overview on Success of
the Harvester in
912 employee hours (Town Highway Department
personnel) on harvester totaling $43,400 cost (32 employee hours spent just to
launch the harvester).
Harvester machine operated for 24 days,
approximately 1 day per week (generally Mondays) from April to September, but
also includes test days in Fall 2008 and a few days when run in a row.
83 tons of plant material were brought to the
Machine is able to be adjusted down to 6’, but lake
is not much deeper than 2’.
The harvester was purchased by the Town from Peconic
River Sportsman’s Club and is the only known harvester in the county. The Sportsman’s Club used the machine on a
lake double the size and ran the machine almost constantly, but couldn’t keep
up. DEC permit for Sonar chemical was
obtained and used. [As per search of DEC
database, 10-year DEC permit for cutting the weeds issued in 1998 (DEC #1-4799-00037/00003); In 2006, DEC issued a 1-year permit (#1-4799-00037/00017) to apply the aquatic pesticides
SONAR PR and SONAR Q over a 5 acre plot of Donahue Pond to control invasive
Discussion on
success of the harvester:
Connie Kepert - Highway Dep’t has asked whether they
can stop for the year. Community input
revealed that the harvester kept the lake more clear early in the season, but
as summer went on, it became hard to tell where the harvester was operating and
not as successful.
Previous quote received from a lake management
company for $30K to clean up both lakes in one shot (no maintenance). Would this help?
Questions posed: Was it worth it? Plant is starting
to die back this time of year… should harvesting continue this season? Worth
the financial cost? Should a lake management company be brought in to harvest
both lakes once? Worthwhile to keep just a fishing lane or boating lane open?
Did the harvesting enable residents to do any more boating?
Citizens aren’t able to use their lake and fix is
needed, but Town has limited resources.
Kepert - Last year, $20K used to buy the machine
from Peconic Sportsman’s Club. This
year, located $40K in funds from a cell phone tower to operate the
harvester. Not known where the other
$3,400 came from. Additional funding
being sought. Additional funding from
another source being lined up, but would be used for long-term solution.
A. Kessler - money obtained from Caithness Fund to
fix Upper Dam spillway and east walls.
Residents didn’t realize harvester was only funded
to run 1 day/wk, and assumed it would run for several days at a time.
1. worthwhile, but
needs to be done more often. Hard work
just to keep the spillway open. Large
volume of material generated … spillway needs to be cleared daily. Many homeowners are already taking shifts to
keep it open.
2. harvesting
didn’t help their section of shoreline.
3. more fish
activity in harvested areas
4. recommend
hiring company with prior $30K quote to provide relief on both lakes this
5. C. Trusnovic -
no pattern to mowing. Spillway was
constantly clogged. Improvement in areas harvested and the benefit lasted
several days. Harvesting should continue
through fall, and done in a set pattern (not random zig zags). A limited area where weeds can be
off-loaded. Permit required off-loading
into payloader, but Hwy Dep’t not likely to leave payloader for citizen
volunteer use. Another stockpile site
would be needed until Hwy can come haul away material.
Guthrie - DEC would have a problem with stockpiling
harvested plant material because it can be washed back into the water by rain,
and can partially block the boat ramp.
DEC is willing to work with the Coalition to ID a different off-loading
site for stockpiling. Worthwhile for
residents to draw a map of critical areas to be mowed, including side channels
to homes.
Graves -
Guthrie - continue harvester into fall. DEC stocking trout in mid-October and would
like to see the lake open for fishing. Cabomba dominating
Kepert will meet with Highway Supervisor to look at
the budget and see if additional funds available for fall harvesting. Will look
into whether harvester drivers could be County employees for 1/3 of cost, or
whether a program could be set up to train volunteers to also operate the
Van Lith - volunteer labor worth exploring? C. Trusnovic - numerous truck drivers in
Yaphank who would likely help. Unions
and insurance may be prohibitive. Kepert
and Trusnovic agreed worthwhile to explore.
If Hwy Dep’t doesn’t have personnel, outside consultant should
alternatively be explored.
Next meeting will occur once some water quality
assessment and base characterization information is available. Coordinate with Esposito to orchestrate.
Esposito requested that the revised slides be sent
to her for dissemination to Carmans River Task Force.
The meeting ended at 8:45 p.m.